The Limits of UI for UX

One of the advantages of being a professional designer for many years is that I’ve seen a lot of changes to the field over time. Some good—I haven’t had to wax a galley of phototype for a layout [...]

Creativity Lost

Where did all the typographers go? Not graphic designers with typographic skills, but people who made their living as pure typographers who were responsible for setting cold metal, hot metal, and [...]

The Importance of Visual Storytelling

I’ve been reading a lot of articles lately extolling the virtues of storytelling in marketing. Generally, these articles tend to revolve around a brand using stories as a motivational tool [...]


The map–territory relation describes the relationship between an object and a representation of that object, as in the relation between a geographical territory and a map of it. Polish-American [...]

The History of the Book Flickr Set

I’ve recently been spending way too much time over on the History of the Book Flickr set, a collection of some 20,000 photos of initials, ornaments, and type from Royal Library, The Hague, [...]

Core 77 Cardboard Christmas Challenge

Some fun winnters of’s cardboard Christmas competition. Submitters were asked to created Christmas decorations using only cardboard and visitors to the Core77 site were asked to [...]

Paper Artist

Woah, these are seriously awesome. Jeff Nishinaka is a Los Angeles native paper sculptor who cuts, folds and shapes paper in the least intrusive way to maintain the feel and integrity of paper in [...]

Mediocrity Campaign

Subaru has a cool advertising campaign called Mediocrity. They’ve created a fake car called the 2011 Mediocrity, complete with faux ad campaign and complete website. The video above is the [...]

Views of 2011 from 1931

1931 was a long time ago, and few who live today can claim to remember it all too well. Just two years after the stock market crash of 1929, 1931 claimed Herbert Hoover as the President of the [...]

The Colosseum as Type

What began as a 10-year wedding anniversary to Rome concluded a year later as an artistic endeavor to reimagine the Coliseum with type. In March 2009, Cameron Moll and his wife, Suzanne, spent [...]

Web Designers vs. Web Developers

Are you a web designer? A developer? Or a client that’s trying to figure out who’s responsible for doing what at your web design shop? Here’s a great infographic that can help [...]

Linotype: The Movie

With the success of Helvetica: The Movie, and the forthcoming Herbert Matter movie, it would seem natural that someone would create a film about the rise and fall of Linotype. For those who [...]

For The Geek Typographer

We love typography. We love Star Wars. So what’s not to love about these series of Star Wars inspired typographic posters? Using only typographic elements, the folks over at H-57 have [...]

So Much Typography

Typographer and type designer Seb Lester has created three striking screen prints using his unique typographic gifts. Over at, he discusses the process he went through in [...]

We Interrupt this Package…

Today the FDA proposed a series of required warnings for cigarette packages and advertisements. Initially, 24 concepts were proposed of which 9 will ultimately be adopted. The basic formatting [...]